The Minnesota Freshwater Quest, developed by Wilderness Inquiry and Captain Planet Foundation’s Project Hero, is a two-part series that takes students on a learning journey to explore species that depend on healthy watersheds in Minnesota. Explorers will learn about the pressures on their waterways and leave the course with the tools to design and implement a project that makes a difference in their community. Check out the Quest now for a preview of the course!
Each session takes place from 9:00 – 10:30 AM CST.
Course will be led by Wilderness Inquiry Outdoor Leaders.
Grade Level
This course is best suited for students at a grade 5–8 learning level.
A device with a working internet connection will be necessary for students to join the video conference. Students will receive a kit including:
- Science experiments
- Art supplies
- Pencil pouch
- Snacks (may include granola bars that contain traces of tree nuts)
- Activity booklet
Additional Learning Opportunity
Watch an informational educator webinar to learn more about this platform and how you can use it as a learning tool for your classroom or student! Click here to watch.
Sample Itinerary
Expand All FieldsDay 1: Ask Q-uestions and U-ncover Answers
Ask important questions like: What can we discover about this freshwater ecosystem when observing it from the water’s edge? Why are Minnesota’s freshwaters such a huge part of our history and cultural identity? What can we learn from the past that will help us respect and care for our freshwaters today?
Day 2: E-xplore deeper, S-olve, and T-each others!
Enter your zip code into the Quest, and choose a local freshwater animal species you want to help. Next, deep dive to explore its life, its relationship with its ecosystem, and the issues that are affecting its ability to survive and thrive. How can you inspire others to help restore the health of freshwater ecosystems near their homes or in their community?
Dates & Fees
2024 MN Freshwater Quest Dates
April 2-3
April 4-5
April 9-10
April 11-12
April 16-17
April 18-19
April 23-24
April 25-26
Registration Link
What to Expect
MATERIALS NEEDED: Internet service and a device that connects to the internet are needed in order to participate. Headphones are recommended if participants will be in a location with background noise.
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